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MORAVIAN   The National History Association

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History and the present...
The activity ahead...
The activity behind us...
Past conferences...

Moravian Brethren – they are also called the Moravians

They are spiritual as well blood-related descendants of the Unity of the Brethren who emigrated from the Northern Moravia to Saxony because of their faith at the beginning     of the 18th century, where they founded the town Herrnhut, called Ochranov in Czech. They restored the Unity of the Brethren there and then they were establishing settlements and mission stations on six continents of the world.

The topic of the Moravian Brethren

The topic of the Moravian Brethren was inconvenient for the former socialistic regime and made a taboo, which meant it was quite forgotten also in northern Moravia. After the year 1990 the Club of friends of Suchdol n. Odrou tried to introduce the Moravians to the general public and organized also several successful actions. But such significant topic needed more attraction, therefore the citizens' association MORAVIAN, National History Association, came to existence in 1999 and started gathering the devoted admirers of the Moravians’ work. From the point of view of the present day it is especially their evangelistic enthusiasm, which seems us to be so extraordinary and which sets an example for many contemporaries. It was achieved to create a site with the Museum, Park of the Moravians and other places of interest, which are attractive mainly for foreign visitors, who encounter the Moravians often in the world. The Museum of Moravian Brethren is not only a building with exhibitions, but also an institution that initiates establishing or renovation of other places of historical interest which remind the Moravian Brethren. It produces other sources of study and also new publications
to get a deeper knowledge of the Moravians.

Our association is ecumenical and non-denominational. It unites friends from the Czech Baptist Union, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Church of Brethren, Evangelical Church    of Czech Brethren, The Unity of the Brethren, Christian Fellowship, Roman Catholic Church, Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession and people without confession.

The Moravian History Association has 68 members at present. It is governed by a committee consisting of 3 elected members. The members' meetings are held every fortnight in the Museum of Moravian Brethren, usually on Mondays at 6 p.m.

Statutes of the Moravian Association:


O nás O nás O nás

The activity ahead:

We are preparing

The activity behind us:















2001 – 2010

1990 – 2000

In 1963–1973 The minister of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Gustav Adolf Říčan (1912–73), concerned himself intensively with the history of the Moravian Brethren. The impulse for this work was given by the writer Leontina Mašínová who was collecting material for her novel “The Moravians”. He published articles in periodicals and published also at his own cost several lesser, but significant, pieces of work. He also made contacts with Herrnhut and in 1970 created the first exposition about the Moravians. He succeeded in collecting a large fund of documents, which forms a basis even for contemporary research.

Past Moravian Conferences


O nás
The Hyundai Endowment Fund and the OSF Foundation supported the IX.international conference and other Moravian projects

logojb.jpg The church Jednota bratrská (The Unity of the Brethren) dedicated the domain moravian.cz
logo_cesko_nem.fond_budoucnosti.jpg Česko-německý fond budoucnosti (The Czech-German Fond for Future) supported new exposition David Zeisberger and supported also publishing
              of two publications.
DKF_Logo_schwarz.jpg German Culture Forum for Central and Eastern Europe enables a long-term holding of exhibition 'The Reformation in the Central and Eastern Europe'
              and provides us with accompanying brochures.
logo_euroregion_silesia.jpg Silesia Euroregion Silesia.
© 2025 Moravian.cz | Web design ToshTak.com | Doménu poskytla Jednota bratská
Partneři: Silesia Evropská unie Česko německý fond budoucnosti